09 Oct 2024| De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms: 61-65 Great Queen St, London WC2B 5DA

Event prices

FDA/Keyskills Members

£359 +VAT

Private Sector

£860 +VAT

Public Sector

£460 +VAT £355* +VAT

*If registering more than 4 places

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020 7593 5739


Unlocking the SCS

Wednesday 09 October| In partnership with FDA

Entering the Senior Civil Service is difficult due to a variety of factors. The recruitment process is highly competitive, with a large pool of applicants vying for a limited number of positions. Also, the selection criteria are rigorous, focusing on relevant experience and personal qualities such as leadership, strategic thinking, and communication skills. Additionally, the civil service has a hierarchical structure with clearly defined career paths, sometimes meaning that promotion to senior positions is based on performance or tenure. The nature of the work at SCS level also requires a high level of responsibility, expertise, and knowledge, which can only be gained through years of experience and training.

Unlocking the Senior Civil Service is a unique conference offering practical help and guidance to those wishing to develop into the Senior Civil Service. It is specifically designed to give you the answer to two vital questions:

  • How can I improve my chances of entering the SCS?
  • What will life be like once I am there?

Why Attend?

  • The benefits of attending this conference include the opportunity to:
  • Resolve the questions in your mind about whether or not the SCS is right for you
  • Learn from experts about what you can do to improve your chances of making the grade
  • Gain deeper understanding of the skills, qualities and competencies required to be successful in the SCS
  • Examine the barriers and enablers affecting your progression
  • Hear from recent entrants about how they made the move and what life is like now they are there

Welcome & introduction to the conference


Permanent Secretary Opening Address

Dame Bernadette Kelly DCB - 
Permanent Secretary at the Department for Transport


Comfort break


What do ministers expect from their SCS?

Understand what ministers require from senior civil servants


Comfort break


Preparing for the SCS: Success Profile Selection

You've decided you're ready for the challenge and want a leadership role in the SCS. In this practical and interactive session, you will discover what it will take to make the most of your application using the new Success Profile process.

SPEAKER: Richard Hillsdon, Dods Training Facilitator and Selection Lead. Former Civil Servant


Break for lunch


Making the most of your Application and Interview Performance

You want to take the next step but now face the sift/interview accessment stages based on Success Profile elements. In this second practical and interactive session, you will review your approach, lessons from the past, and what influences panels.

SPEAKER: Richard Hillsdon, Dods Training Facilitator and Selection Lead. Former Civil Servant


Comfort break


Personal perspectives - my route into the SCS

An SCS panel look back on their careers and answer questions about their experience of gaining entry to the SCS & discuss what life is like now they are there


Chair's closing remarks & conference close


Dame Bernadette Kelly
Permanent Secretary for the Department for Transport.